C++ Templates and Static Initialization Order

Ran into a nasty problem with how the global static objects are initialized in templates. Check the code:

#include <cstdio>

struct test {

  test() : _a{} { }

  int getA() { return _a; }
  int setA(int a) { return _a = a; }

  int _a; 

template<class T>
struct init {

  init() {
    //init objects
    t1.setA( 10 );
    t2.setA( 10 );

static test t1;
static test t2;

//declare static objects
template<class T> test init<T>::t1;
template<class T> test init<T>::t2;

//test instantiation
template test init<void>::t2;

//init t1 and t2
init<void> I;

int main() {

  printf( "t1.A = %d\n", I.t1.getA() );
  printf( "t2.A = %d\n", I.t2.getA() );

  return 0;


t1.A = 0
t2.A = 10


There is a good explanation on Stackoverflow of the Hell happening.