A Couple Thoughts on the Nature of our Universe

  1. The electrostatic fields of a particle don't end, they stretch out to to infinity. Actually a field is a particle. Fields are not lines, they don't start and end on other particles, they simply add. So, a particle is in fact an osciallating wave (3D plane in a 4D space) across the entire Universe.

  2. Because of that all particles interact with other particles. Quantum Entanglement is better called Quantum Synchronization: particles are synchronized in space and time. Such particles are a whole one because energy can redistribute instantly ( wave function collapse ).

  3. Gravity is a particle wave moving in a gradient of the fields of other particles. Gravity could be the result of entanglement (sync) events. It that light it interesting to consider the idea that all primary forces are the result of tendency to a lower energy state. We just have to find how the particle wave interactions create lower energy states. Funny, it seems that it could be possible to build all of physics on just some function and its interplay with other functions across entire space.

  4. Galaxies are formed by a giant eruption from a rotating quasar ( pulsar ) forming spiral sleeves. So, it's like squeezing an eclair. The pressure comes from the strong magnetic fields, that are weakest at the poles. The puzzle with the star orbiting speed is because of the gradient.

  5. There is no such thing as Black Hole because of the speed of light limitation. Quasars are the trash refinaries - they turn all material back again into light atoms.

  6. We can possibly have an instant communication device by having a source of entangled photons beaming in two different directions.